We all have times when we appear as our “best selves”. We are confident, hopeful, sure, and creative. Our reasoning is clear, we have a high capacity to appreciate people on a deeper level, and the words that spring to our lips are astute and perfect. Life looks and feels good.

Unfortunately, life can’t always be like this. To be human means we all ride the white water rapids of life. We face times when we are deterred and baffled, and our fantasies appear to be far off. We drop down to the lower floors of the mindset lift, where we stress, feel alone, lose our energy, and feel critical and sorry for ourselves.

Since we all visit those “lower floors” at times, think about how you can persevere through these times and find your way back to being your best self again.  In order to learn this, you must first understand that your disposition is the result of events that happen to you and how you respond to them. Your disposition, or temperament, is formed by what you think about the world around you and how you respond, consciously or unconsciously, to those stimuli. Stressful thoughts produce stressful feelings, confident thoughts produce confident feelings, and hopeful thoughts produce hopeful feelings. This is not to say that we have total control over our feelings, but our thoughts, which can be channeled with practice, have a powerful impact on our outlook. 

Thoughtful gestures and spreading good energy will give you a sense of pleasure and satisfaction, lift your spirits, and change your temperament in a flash. A thoughtful gesture offered unreservedly with no expectation of reciprocity can change someone else’s day just as your own. The following are 10 ways to spread good energy and lift your disposition in a flash. 


The universe gives us endless opportunities lift yourself up via service to others. You can help someone carry their groceries, open doors for people, or let someone go ahead of you in line. In today’s bustling world, politeness has gone by the wayside. Start focusing on the people around you. Extend your energy out and shower benevolence on the people you meet throughout your day. A solitary thoughtful gesture conveys an impact of positive energy that spreads further than you might envision.


Practice arbitrary thoughtful gestures as frequently as possible.

For instance –

  • Pay for a random person’s coffee if you have spare money.
  • Cook supper for somebody who is suffering and needs help.
  • Send somebody a beautiful hand-written letter. The craft of hand composing a beautiful letter has been supplanted with messaging and emailing, so take the opportunity to write an individual letter and tell somebody that they are important to you.
  • Wash somebody’s vehicle.
  • Clean somebody’s home or nursery.

There are countless ways of showing preemptive kindness. Giving your time, energy, or a little gift can lift somebody’s spirits and make someone feel good inside, and you get to share in that joy.


Express genuine care and concern for those around you. When somebody is suffering, pay attention to them and offer your help and consolation. Having a positive, caring, and pardoning standpoint will re-energize your spirit and promote a better temperament.


Take the opportunity to truly associate with your local area. When you venture outside and start drawing in the people around you, learning from their accounts of life, and witnessing what they are adding to the world, you will experience a wide range of positive feelings. Take the time to reconnect with lifelong companions you have moved away from, and make sure you look after people in difficult situations. 


Volunteering will greatly impact your community and the people who live there.  Giving your time and energy to worthy projects and people in need not only brightens the world around you, but sparks a radiant joy within yourself.


Give someone the gift of your full attention. During your next conversation, switch off your cell phone and set it aside. Devote your full attention to that person. Be present, look them in the eyes as they speak, and take in the entire discussion without interruptions. This kind of connection is rare in today’s world, but with a little effort you can make it your default.


Motivate people around you to take cues from you. There may be a chance for you to create a local event or take an action that could change lives and improve your community. Find people who share your interests and figure out how to participate in local activities together. Nothing is more uplifting than dedicating yourself to a venture where you are giving from the heart.


Pay someone a genuine compliment. Noticing the good in others and pointing it out to them lifts everyone up, including the person paying the compliment! Smiling more can also change your temperament. Grinning triggers a wide range of positive physical outcomes in the body, and when you grin at someone else, that feel-good energy is absolutely infectious.


Spread good energy and act naturally. Have you met somebody who “lights up a room?” They empower everybody around them with their inspirational perspective. Uplifting people will compensate you with even more energy and fuel for your spirit. Keep in mind that your actions should not be motivated by a need to seek approval, but rather a genuine desire to bring your light and positivity to others. Keep your eyes and heart open, and embrace the chance to uplift another person.


We can all make a difference and offer more satisfaction and energy to the world. Each thoughtful gesture produces a bounty of warm, uplifting energy to the universe. There is no demonstration of love that is  too small. Even the smallest action can bring about a change. The mending powers of thoughtfulness are plentiful, and I beg you to open up your heart and give liberally, to be benevolent and generous. It will lift your spirits, change your life, and alter the existence of so many around you.

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