Now that you’re considering modifying your habits and routines, try adding a few healthy hobbies into the mix. Some of the exercises from Chapter 7 sound like fun, don’t they? Don’t stop there! What’s keeping you from getting into kayaking? What about fishing? Hobbies help to build skills and regain confidence. Just as a river needs to test physical boundaries and overflow its banks from time to time, we too must push our boundaries in order to test our limits and strength. Even though the process may be messy or scary at first, you will be amazed at what happens to your confidence levels as a result. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Passion sometimes strikes when least expected. Are you a lover of the outdoors? Try something unrelated like chess, graphic design, or salsa dancing. Equip yourself with the commitment to try anything (within reason) once.

Exploring arts and crafts could be satisfying! Try painting, drawing, woodworking, sculpting, metal blowing, or knitting— you can use almost any material to start a new craft. If you have a green thumb, try a small herb garden. Plant seeds or buy seedlings and watch life blossom. Playing mental chess with critters and deer who want to eat what you’ve planted is stimulating and an excellent source of amusement!

Revisit the healing power of prayer and worship as you move your life from gloom to glory. My walk with God remained an incredible, sustainable source of comfort, healing, and recovery. Relying on Him gave me wisdom, peace, and comfort. How you pray and practice mindful relaxation is up to you. 

So, what do you want to do? Don’t overthink it. If skydiving was the first idea that popped into your head, go online and look for some classes nearby. If going to a nearby minor league baseball game was your first thought, do that. Whatever you choose is likely to feel better than doing nothing at all. Spending time doing an enjoyable activity that is not attached to work or other commitments will increase your happiness and satisfaction with life. This will allow you to spend time doing something for your benefit. While having a routine is great, incorporating a new hobby can add excitement — the spark that you may need to increase personal satisfaction. 


Pushing your limits and getting out of your comfort zone will help to build self-esteem. Each time you progress, you will push into a mentality of success. This is especially true when you achieve something you didn’t think you could. Take the chance and achieve things you thought were impossible! We feel good about ourselves when we’re good at something. Of course, there is a learning curve to any activity, but once you can get to the point where you are confident, you will find success and have a sense of internal motivation to continue. 


You might have heard about some of the most well-known mindfulness techniques, like meditation. However, increasing evidence suggests that other hobbies can also be effective mindfulness exercises. This is because hobbies encourage individuals to focus on the task at hand. Engaging in an enjoyable hobby causes one to enter into a state of positive energy flow. The concentration needed to create a work of art, for example, helps focus the mind and allows negative thoughts to subside. Even without artistic talent, the process of creation is stimulating and grounds you in the present moment.


A 2009 study tested the potential of knitting to manage eating disorders (Clave-Brule, M et al, 2009). Researchers discovered that patients reported reduced feelings of anxiety when they were preoccupied with knitting. 74% of participants reported that knitting was calming and therapeutic. Engaging in an enjoyable hobby might be the treatment you’ve been looking for. Some common hobbies to ward off anxiety and depression include listening to music, volunteering, and keeping a gratitude journal. Taking time to engage in a pleasant activity can benefit your mental health.


Studies have shown that engaging in leisure activities helps people feel happier and more attentive. It is also a great way to increase productivity, and it even helps folks stay in shape. People are more likely to lose weight or stay fit when they take up a physical hobby. On the other hand, forcing yourself to exercise seems like a chore and will likely kill your motivation to continue. 


What do you do before going to bed? If you’re like many, you check your phone, watch television, or look through social media, and then have difficulties falling asleep. Break out of this pattern and find a relaxing diversion before bed. This can slow down the heart rate and decrease the frequency of brain waves at night, allowing you to fall asleep more easily. Also, feeling a good kind of tired after being active during the day can help you get a more restful sleep. 


Mutual tastes in activities such as music, art, and sports are a sure-fire way to connect with others. Associating with like-minded individuals can be an effective way to increase your social circle. Enjoy the process of learning something new without getting discouraged about your skill level. Get out of your comfort zone! This process enriches your life and provides you with a fresh perspective.

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