“The pain of your past will determine your passion for the future.”

~ Cedric Jay Shelby

What would it be like to go beyond yourself and confidently ride that calm, powerful current of life? To vulnerably open yourself up so that the world can see? Overcoming defeat from within requires an odyssey of self-reflection. It reveals all of the ways that we limit ourselves with our feelings and thoughts.


I wrote this book as a guide to freeing your deepest being from pain and uncovering or recovering your elegance and power. The Joy of Balance begins with liberating your mind, then helps you comprehend the source and vacillations of your inward energy, and finally delves into how you can utilize these powers for your potential benefit.


Satisfaction begins when you look without judgment, sit without thought, and smile without reason. In this book, we go on this enlightening excursion together.


What might happen if our minds consider nothing off-base around us and think everything and everybody is currently the way it should be? Ponder that thought briefly; how does it sound to have a quiet mind? The calm mind is from where magnificent brilliance comes. It is the focal point of certainty and the wellspring of satisfaction. A clear mind is the sacred ground of harmony. A quiet mind is a powerful mind. Instead, think about developing, improving your life, changing unwanted patterns, serving others, and making a better tomorrow. Try not to sit idly as a captive to your futile and negative thoughts.

When you dedicate your thoughts and energy to ONLY the right

things, you become your best self, opening your heart to receiving different viewpoints from others and God, which brings joy.

An event you opposed before can turn into an open door permitted with the right mindset. When there is no space for the powerful energies of renewal and rebirth to flow in, they get obstructed at the gate. Strong feelings like benevolence, solidarity, love, empathy, discipline and absolution will be part of you for the remainder of your life.

The world is no longer yours to confront but to fix and has become a place of comfort, marvel, and awe. We see things that happen that are so astonishing to us. Your interest typically manifests when you consider the world as it is now. A more honest version of you will arise, continuously posing inquiries, looking to comprehend others, snickering, grinning, and messing about without shame. Now you express what you feel, chuckle freely, have more genuine interactions with people, stop saying “sorry” all the time, uncover yourself to the world, and liberate the real you.


Be fabulously incredulous of yourself; you’ll be the only one like you EVER. “You are fearfully and wonderfully made.” (Psalm 139:14). While you are here on earth, permit yourself to come out and “be seen.” You will be surprised at the ways you can cherish yourself. There is extraordinary power in this.


Discharge your weaknesses and uncertainties, which will ultimately deliver you pain. Accept that routinely recharging your internal strength will help you bring your best self to life and your life’s work. You know which steps to take next.


I look forward to hearing your story. Until then, dear reader, I bid you adieu.