Dr. Cedric Jay Shelby


Motorcycle Life

The experience of becoming a motorcyclist was full of revelations, but two things surprised me most.

The first was this sport’s sense of community. Any time you meet another rider, anywhere on Earth, they’re immediately your brother or sister, and you are theirs. Even in a world as tribal as motorcycling can be, what unites us remains far bigger that what makes us different.

The second is that under almost every helmet, it turns out there is a philosopher. It’s amazing how easy it is to get riders talking about why they do this and what it brings to their lives, amazing how much riding means to us.


Ced Talks – Motorcycles aims to celebrate that. You won’t get much travel advice, here, or learn how to fix anything. But you will meet riders just like you who are willing to share something about why they love to ride. And I hope that will make you enjoy your motorcycle life even more.