Like a winding river, life’s journey flows with time. Sometimes its currents are calm and soothing. At other points, rapids and boulders

obstruct our way. Life’s challenges become like whitewater, threatening our balance and peace of mind. A river can be freedom, a spiritual baptism, through which we must venture to find the Promised Land. We might feel fearful, lost, or defeated along the way. Yet our spiritual river journey persists, eventually delivering us back to the source if we allow it. Like Jesus in the River Jordan, we must embrace renewal and rebirth openly. We must take that first step from the safety of the riverbank and our old self to find our way home.

How do you define happiness? Is your peace tied to external circumstances, such as success in life, business, or other external validation? Happiness is based on happenings, while joy is a fruit of the spirit and a gift from God. In The Joy of Balance, readers will learn how to find delight, positivity, and joy in everyday life.

We maintain joy regardless of circumstances as we learn to steward God’s gift. The Hebrews writer wrote: “And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer, and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him, he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Jesus had joy while enduring the cross. He knew the most significant reward was on the other side of all He suffered. Our suffering is incomparable to Jesus; we are blessed with His example

and can learn from his teachings. We can experience joy even in the direst of circumstances.

Learning to persevere and find joy in the journey takes time and character-building. That is why I wrote The Joy of Balance! I want to guide you through a journey of discovery, exploring the five essential principles to uncover and sustain joy in your daily life.



The first step to finding peace is overcoming negative thoughts. Joy begins when you realign your thinking. Negativity is one of the biggest roadblocks to realizing individual potential. Think of pessimism and cynicism as a pair of heavyweights around your ankles. Negative thoughts will weigh you down and make each step more complex than the last, no matter how fast you want to run or how far you wish to go.

Using my experience, I will empower you to face life’s challenges with a comprehensive guide for kicking off those pessimistic weights. Here you will master the steps to restoration and joy.



Day-to-day life can drain us even when things are going well, and when we encounter grief, that road goes from paved to dirt. So, how do we move forward? Through personal anecdotes and Biblical wisdom, I will provide a roadmap for finding the time to take a breath, capture a moment, and start the day anew.

Joy is the most accessible to us when we look at the world with refreshed eyes and revitalized motivation. Therefore, it is essential to set new daily, monthly, and yearly goals. Plot out a realistic way to reach what you want, and most importantly, learn how to find inner joy without relying on anything other than what you already carry.


The Bible teaches us the importance of always speaking our truth and following our purpose. Sometimes, it’s easy to lose sight of what matters most in the modern world with all the distractions present. Through The Joy of Balance, you’ll learn about clearing your perspective. Readers are encouraged to take an inventory of their life and their priorities. As I share my experiences with overcoming grief and heartache, I encourage readers to take hold of truth in a way that empowers positive thought.



We’ve all been weary. We’ve all tried and failed and found ourselves struggling to try again. A mind needs to be focused and a body refreshed. Your spirit also needs to be renewed now and again. In The Joy of Balance, you’ll find powerful life lessons for personal change.

When did you last take a moment for yourself and only yourself? Your spirit requires nourishment, just like your body. Visiting a soothing well of wisdom occasionally would be best, so your soul can drink deeply.



You will find yourself refocused, refreshed, reframed, and renewed as you approach proper balance. This final step in the process is the most straightforward concept to grasp but also the most challenging to implement:

Reset Your Sunrise!

Accept that there are dark times in life, yet the sun will always rise again. Take control of your joy. Unleash the most amazing you. No setback can stop you; no sorrow can steal your triumph forever. The Balance of Joy will equip you to live your best life on your terms through the good, the bad, and the ugly. Improve your habits, discover your drive, and follow a new road toward the rising sun.

“Your memory replays your past; your imagination pre-plays your destiny.”

~ Cedric Jay Shelby